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Year 1

Hello and welcome to our webpage!

Key Information


Teachers - Mrs Knight (Lavender Class) Mrs Thompson and Mrs Fairhall (Rose Class)

Support Staff - Miss Brooke and Miss E Owen (Lavender Class) and Miss McGowan and Dr Kacha (Rose Class) 


Outdoor PE - Monday (white t-shirt, plain black or grey joggers and top, trainers).

Indoor PE - Friday (white t-shirt, black shorts/joggers and trainers)

Please come to school in your kit on PE days.

Please do not wear earrings for PE.


We will send home weekly spellings and phonics sheets. The phonics sheets are a repeat of what children have done in their daily phonics sessions for them to consolidate their skills and further practise them at home. The spellings are for them to practise for a spelling test the following week (Friday.)

Please make sure you read your child's school reading book with them every day. Reading is a 'building block' on which much of their other learning rests, and regular reading at home makes a huge difference in the classroom.

If you would like any additional work or support for home, please speak to your child's class teacher. We will be happy to help. 

Reading Leader Board

Whenever your child reads at home, they will receive a sticker (one per day) on the Reading Leader Board. Stickers mean prizes. KEEP READING!


In the Autumn term, our topic will be castles, knights and dragons. Our history and geography focus will include the topic Bramley and Us.

In science, we will be learning about the seasons (autumn). We will also be identifying and naming human body parts and learning about the five senses.

We will be reading 'The egg.' We will then use this story to help us to write some simple instructions.

In maths, we will be working within 10 – counting objects, counting forwards and backwards, one more/less, comparing numbers & adding/subtracting.